Get Lemon -Disciple
You looking to spray some bars innit bars innit
Alright f**king hell get lemon
Josh you're supposed to be in here giving me backup
Mate in case it goes Pete Tong
When a DJ turns up and f**king tries to hustle
You off the decks 'cause he's late
And a mug that's when it goes tits-up
Getting involved with the boys
It's just f**king a good day innit
Everyone's having a lovely time
Time time time time time
Time time time time time
Time time time time time
It was having a lovely time
Time time time time time
Time time time time time
Time time time time time
Time time time time time
Um um
Um um fuski can you make a good reese please
Uh yeah that'll do
Sweet sweet
I can no play this just warning
All is get f**king future's rate
And we was like alright headphones off ta-da hah
I'm sweating bollocks off so I've
Gotta get out of
Here how am I doing
Done done
1.How Do You Turn This On
3.Hungry Hippos
4.To The Moon
5.With Me
6.Somethin Good
7.Hold On
8.You Suck
9.Kyoto Funk
11.State Of Emergency
12.The Heat
13.Get Lemon