An Evolution of Horns

Goat of the welkin,
A goat that dwells,
Horned conqueror of the night--
Lend your skill unto the spell,
And force our will by magick rite.
By all the endowment of land and sea
By all the might of moon and sun--
As we do will, so mote it be;
Chant the spell, and be it done.
Eko, Eko,
Azarak, Eko,
Eko, Zamilak,
Eko, Eko,
Eko, Eko,
1.The Thrice Is Greatest to Ninnigal
2.An Involution of Thorns
3.An Equinox of Fathomless Disheartenment
4.Descent to Acheron
5.Fantasizing to the Third of the Pagan Vision
6.The Infinite and Profane Thrones
7.An Evolution of Horns