When you fall out of this world
into the ocean not of water
but stars, I go!
Beaten from time
and also from me
The descent is upon you
The keepers in the skies
(The deep is in the skies?)
A glimpse of eternity
Eternity, a glimpse...
1.The Deep Is The Skies
2.My Angel
3.The Bodking And The Quietus
5.Whence and Whither Goest The Wind
6.To Those Who Dwellest In The Night
7.Raudt Og Svart
8.Du Nordavind
9.Naar Kulda Tar
10.Icebound Streams And Vapours Gray
11.Naar Kulda Tar
12.Wintry Grey
13.Fall Of Man
14.Raudt Og Svart
15.Du Nordavind