Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Sandtime bled, die for the truth
Drop of plague in the vein of the crowd
One will be enough to suffocate
The misery this world has turned into
Ergo a cabeca sim mas apenas para sentir
A lamina fria que me beija a nuca
Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Poison dart shot in the poor
Seed of hope spilled by the sick
Another lie will be enough to illuminate
The misery the race has turned into
Ergo a cabeca sim mas apenas para sentir
A lamina fria que me beija a nuca
Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Ipso facto, axis mundi!
Equinox in every word
Falling leaves in every soul
Equinox in every word
In every word in every soul
We're lost in a dying world
In every word in every soul
We're lost in a dying world
1.Opera Carne
2.Alpha Noir
3.Axis Mundi
5.Em Nome Do Medo
7.Love Is Blasphemy
9.Sine Missione
10.Whiteomega (Bonus Album Track)
11.White Skies (Bonus Album Track)
12.Fireseason (Bonus Album Track)
13.New Tears Eve (Bonus Album Track)
14.Herodisiac (Bonus Album Track)
15.Incantatrix (Bonus Album Track)
16.Sacrificial (Bonus Album Track)
17.A Greater Darkness (Bonus Album Track)