(Music: Magnusson, Lyrics: Heidgert, Magnusson)
"At last after endless searching i have found him the dark prince!
I fought my way up the highest mountain, and found him laughing on
his throne made of the rotting carcasses of my people.
To kill him, their leader is to defeat them all, i must win! This is my only
To save all i have ever lived for!
FEAR...i must stay strong, it's been hard and i lost most of my loved ones.
This is for them, this is for Dragonland!!!
DIE, evil twisted creature...DIE!!!"
Eye to eye, with our destinies
Sword to sword, Will set one free
Light to darkness, The future will be set
Darkness to light, This will be the end
For hours we fought
Wounded and tired with no end in sight
The storm draws near
Upon the highest mountain we stand
Steel against steel as we strike yet again
Face to face we will fight to the death
Then a mortal blow brings me to my knees
All hope's gone, Dragonland is doomed
As i'm bleeding
My life is draining away
In a world now embraced by darkness
Evil's beginning to rise
Soon the world will come to an end and all good will die
Though the clan of dragons will survive
someday in the future might a hero arise
But can they hold on for so long?
(Solo: O.M, N.M)
Withered forests the homes of elves decayed
Crumbled mountains the dwarves will be no more
Shattered cities the humans slowly die
Pungent wastelands the dark ones marching on
Nothing is spared
All in their path will be destroyed
Their reign of terror
Has barely begun
Now the hordes of night begins their feast of victory
Burning down and slaying everything
Dark clouds cover the whole sky and black rain starts to fall
And will do for ages come to pass
Hundred years have passed now it is time to strike back
Time to raise our swords and shields again
But who will lead us, the armies of light this time?
In the den of dragons hope is born...
1.Rondo a la Turca
2.The Orcish March
3.Storming Across Heaven
5.A Last Farewell
6.Ride for Glory
8.The Battle of the Ivory Plains
9.A Secret Unveiled
10.World's End