Dark Venus Persephone

Dark Venus Persephone
Together in underworld,
Hades and Persephone 哈迪斯和柏西福涅一起在阴间
Daughter of Ceres,a tragic fate 塞雷斯之女命途多舛
It fell to your lot the day you ate
Apples from the Elysian fields 在你吃掉从天堂领域来的苹果便开始迷失堕落
Persephone in (the)underworld 博西福涅在阴间
Forever in the underworld,(the)fate of Perssephone 永远在阴间这是你的命运
Only the summer will set you free 只在夏天放你自由
But you'll be forced back to your husband 但你还是会被强行带回到丈夫身边
When you taste the pomegranate juice 当你品尝石榴果汁的时候你的命运就已定格
Persephone in (the)underworld 博西福捏在阴间
Inside the underworld
Inside the ice and winter snow 阴间里面在冬天的冰雪里面
(In the)water of Cyane 在锡安纳的水里
Your girdle float 你的腰带浮动
Underworld Venus Persephone 死亡女神柏西福涅
1.Melek Taus
2.Son of the Sun
3.Voyage of Gurdjieff (The Fourth Way)
4.The Blood of Kingu
5.Dark Venus Persephone
6.Kali Yuga Pt. I
7.Sirius B
8.The Khlysti Evangelist
9.The Wondrous World of Punt
10.Kali Yuga Pt. II
11.Call of Dagon