Archaic Correspondence

Dead at nothing
Alive at everything
You travel time
And time travels you
As within so without
As above so below
As within so without
As above so below
When we set sail
Energy is our procession
The journey inward repeats
The horizon is our destination
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through oblivion
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through the veil
The trasnsition from initial life
Repressed and unseen
Lurking in the shadow of your mind
Losing yourself is the key
To leave everything behind
Losing yourself is the key
The shadows become our past
The migration of the soul
Picks up where it leaves the flesh
And enters the finish line
Sustained through another time
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through oblivion
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through the veil
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through oblivion
Life is the trial
And the passage is death
Storming through the veil
As within so without
As above so below
As within so without
As above so below
1.The Unveiling
2.Council of Wolves and Snakes
3.Interdimensional Summit
4.Archaic Correspondence
6.The Empyrean Phoenix
8.I Am Sovereign
9.Alpha Aeon Omega
10.Rite of Passage