你在那里游走徘徊 这便是你想到的地方
You wandered in there, you wanted it there
如今你终于抵达 每晚你恣意掠取空气
You wanted it in there, every night you took the air
为了一切 拼命喘息——
Gasping for anything -
因为那里 坐着当年的波士顿勒人犯
There sits the Boston Strangler
叫来了所有的车 这座宫殿已经爬满了苔藓
黎明的曙光中 它们在暗中疯狂蔓延
Calling all cars! The palace has a moss problem
无论你去哪都摆脱不了 甚至缝合到你的裤腿
It glows in the dawn... light...
这便是我 和他们 的对决
Goes wherever you go, sewn into your hem
一开始 是我们 对阵这并不起眼的事情
It's me vs. them...
接着就演变成了 装聋作哑的人和四处谣传的人的战役
在那铁环中 在那刀锋的边缘
First us versus not a goddamn thing
“这里有点暗啊” 她如是说道
Then The Blind B!tch vs. The Clucking Hen
“这里有点暗啊” 她如是说道
In a ring, around the razor's edge...
“这里有点暗啊” 她如是说道
"Kinda dark in here," she says...
"Kinda dark in here," she says...
"Kinda dark in here," she says...
1.Crimson Tide
2.It Just Doesn't Happen
4.Cue Synthesizer
5.The Raven
6.The Man in Black's Blues
7.Kinda Dark
8.University Hill
9.The Television Music Supervisor
10.Have We Met