1.Ballad: "The Hay Rope"
2.Reel Dance I
3.Reel Dance II
4.Reel Dance III
5.Single Jig
6.Reel Dance IV
7.Love Song: "Abhanarach Donn a Chruidh" (The Brown-Haired Dairywoman)
8.Lamentation Over the Death of a Clan Chief: "Smavinetean, Truagh Ath'air M'aigne" (Sad Thoughts Invade My Soul)
9.Work Song (***** Weaving): "Di Sathuirne Ghabhmi Mulad" [Saturday I Was Sad]
10.Ballad: "Lord Rendall"
11.Ballad: "The Tragic Hunt"
12.Sword Dance: "Maid of the Mill"
13.Dance: "The Gower Reel"
14.March II
15.Ballad: "The Bewitched Colt"
16.Monostrophic Song I
17.Monostrophic Song II
18.Calls to the Herd
19.Dance (Gangar)
20.Dance (Halling) I
21.Dance (Halling) II
22.Shepherd Flute Solo
23.Shepherdess' Song: "The Stolen Provisions"
24.Song: "How Pleasant It Is to Sing By the Dew in the Evening"
25.Song: "The Deceived Bride"
26.Swing Song
27.Dance: Jew's Harp
28.Dance: Musical Bow
29.Dance: Bagpipe
30.Magic Dance
31.Magic Incantation for Seal-Hunt
32.Ballad: "Barbara Allen"
33.Bagpipe Solo: "Cliffs of Old Tynemouth"
34.Ballad: "King Renaud"
35.Praising a Clan Chief: "O Jain Ghlinn' Cnaich" (O John of Ghlinn' Cnaich)
36.Dance of the "Gilles de Binche"
37.Steps of Gerpinnes
38.Crâmignon (Sung dance) from Liege: "Prindez vos' baton, Simon"
39.Ballad (Halewijn)
40.Song: "I Came Through a Garden"
41.Chimes of Santa Claus (Giant's Song)
42.Procession Song (Ommergang): "St-Amalbergalied" [Hymn of St. Amelberge]
43.Ballad: "Song of the Three Pilgrims"
44."Alpenfahr" (Going Up to the Alp)
45.Dance Played On the Hakbrett (Rural Cymbalum)
46."Schäferlaufmarsch" (Shepherd Round Dance)
47.March I
48."Alpsegen" (Alp Blessing)
49."Dreikönigslied" (Song of the Three Wise Men)
50.Religious Song: "Crown of Golden Roses"
51.Dance (Zwiefacher)
52.Schwankballade (Merry Narrative Song)
54.Dance (Ländler)
55.Ballad: "Es Stand Ein Schloss in Osterreich"
56.New Year's Song