Always Thought There'd Be (For Arna Salsa Salad and Rubén Patiño)

1.Catchment Areas (Spiritual Pollution)
2.Aegis (For Madison Justine Dinelle)
3.Plump Then Worldwide
4.Supercritical Liquid Information
5.Always Thought There'd Be (For Arna Salsa Salad and Rubén Patiño)
6.L'Ode aux Millénaires
7.Scamming Shaman Pin
8.What Dreams Are Made Of (To Live and Love in Villeray)
9.GMAX Corp Staff Gym
10.Bass Skull Freq
11.Separation Anxiety (Ghosted by R)
12.Heat and Salinity
13.No Nobles just added to their story
14.Self Care, Covered in Potting Soil
15.Mutek Baloné
16.Godlike Paywall
17.Disused Leisureplex
18.Trailer Trope Gank
19.S.H.A.D.O.W.F.X.U.N.I.T. Preset Police
20.Neck Soap
21.A Soft Skill (Commensalism)
22.Hypochondria Leaflet
23.Quality Of Life Trance
24.Besetting Fugue (For Daniele Guerrini)
25.Sarcoline (Maman)
27.Eh Op He Op Ho Pe Oh Pe Op Eh Op He Pe Ho Pe Oh
28.Cable Car