Dark Side of the Pencil Box Mix

1.Nanu Crunkster Machster Mix
2.Justin Timberlake in Paris Core
3.Just Mochi (Remix Winner)
4.Grab Your Mochi Junk Remix
5.Bloody Desert Baklava for Oil Mix
6.Epic Baklava
7.My Emo Robot Girl Remix
9.8fm vs. (A) Pendics Shuffleγçös Saxual Chocolate Mix
10.Dark Side of the Pencil Box Mix
11.Flamenco Essay Con Frito Remix
12.Mexican Pencil Box Mix
13.African Trampoline Mix
14.Detroit Mochi Cake Mix
15.Dorboro Dojo
16.Mochi Just Mochi (Weγçöre Always Here Mix)
18.Disco Moliere
19.Kira Hammond Mix
20.My Mochi Remix
21.Geeky Dorboro Mix
22.Kickass Pencil Box Remix
23.Dorboro Sean Mix
24.Plasma Carpool Raid (Plastic Carpet Ride)
25.Three Cheers for Mochi Mix
26.Ruptured Jelly Casing Mix
27.Death Dub Polka
28.The Deserted Search for a New Mr. Bungle Album (I'll Have to Settle for Baklava Remix)