Groupie love, that’s what I want
迷们爱我爱到就3秒的歌也听 诶我喜欢 (吐槽这歌在刚出来时只有3秒)
This ain’t no GAP bish, this Saint Laurent
逛GAP可听不着的怪调 催YSL出个酱婶的色号 (强调此歌在快时尚的“大众平价店”可听不到,其独特性就像把封面颜色做成口红色号那般大胆)
I’m makin' moves, they sayin' keep it up
特立独行势头猛 宝们夸我真能冲
All I ever wanted was a Bentley truck
我还念叨呢 搞个宾利快个冲
I paint a picture, with a thousand words
这嘴还挺会吐 吐出个大蓝图
Baby don't thank me, thank the universe
贝宝莫谢我 谢这大宇宙 造出你跟我
My temper short, but my paper long
我算个差脾气 可骚话啥的能写一堆
**** you pay me, hope you don't take that wrong
靠 你给啥钱啊 别搞错 我可不接啥身子活
Four O’s on my whip, two A's on my hip
四个连圈圈 搁我车前头 裤头画两山 是M不是A (whip俚“车”,四O指其品牌,“屁股上的A”为牛仔裤后身口袋上的图案,EVISU常将其标志画于口袋上)
Only use paper straws, but she got plastic lips
这店只有纸吸管 她嘴上的斩男色要完蛋 就像贴着啥塑料贼闪光 (纸吸管对涂口红者不友好)
I'm from LA, as you can tell
我是个地道洛县佬 保你一瞧就造
White vans, skinny jeans, with the Louis belt
白筛万斯头上套 窄腿牛仔露点脚 —— 再塞根LV条假装壕
She wanna bone, I'm not in the mood
她说想爱爱 可我今不爽
House party in the hills, yeah I'm in the pool
山头豪宅顶聚众轰趴 我搁泳池里自寻天光
I ate a Molly, I feel like God
我恰了个好妹妹 觉自个像啥爱神情圣
Ain't no key to life, 'cause it isn’t locked
进我生活来玩玩 这没锁没钥匙 我家大门常打开
Oh she mad 'cause she ran outta Juul pods
她搁那骂娘 因为嘴里没点味给她爽了 (JUUL pods指某种电子烟所用烟弹)
Got no patience cut you off like a Groupon
我可没心情鸟你 对你的兴趣打了个团购折 (Groupon指某团购网站)
She a homie hopper, so I call her frog
她爱到处留绿帽 活蹦乱跳的货 就叫她田鸡好咯 (homie hopper滥交者,像frog一样跳来跳去,在多人之间玩弄感情)
I just wanna bone, guess that I'm a dog
我现在想碰你了 就像狗子找骨头那样 找你
Couple animals, breakin' out the zoo
咱俩可真是亡命 动物园在逃鸳鸯
In convertibles, I don't believe in roofs
咱这车篷子能动的多好 不用顶个硬皮死气沉沉
Wrote down my goals, bish I made a list
就乱扯点小目标 扯满了还成不了
Yeah I sacrificed, a whole lot of shit
可我真付出了好多 好多好多
No I ain't perfect, yeah I'll admit
人无完人 我也认了
But I am who I am, and I'm proud of it
可我就我 我也算够知足咯
Bish I'm up next, and she obsessed
她想我想得丢了魂 好我这就来咯
I never met you, why you upset
咱没打过照面 妹妹为啥不开心呀
Man go for it, don’t be scared to lose
咱试着玩一个 别辣么怕结果
Don't you know two L’s make a W
造吗 相逢两个“沦”命徒 抵他一个“万”事好 (two L's make a W,两个L面对面靠一起变成W,两个Loser相遇合作可变成共赢Winner)
If you **** with me, then I **** with you
你若好好理我 我便好好犁你
I been gettin' paid to do what I love to do
我得了钱又得美人 咋不好嘛
Movin' with bravado
看我蛇形走位 来点虚张声势
Fillin' up my cup with this Moscato
完事了 就小斟点麝香葡萄起泡酒
Cheers, to the highlife
来干杯 为这上流生活干杯
I can't hear the hate from up here in this highrise
咱高层配得起好享受 才不管底下人抱怨声
Quality women, quality linens
伴着名媛佳丽 摆着绣罗华裳
You keep on hatin', I'ma keep winnin'
宁就搁那咬牙切齿去吧 我可步步青云
Ain't no pretendin', rap what I'm livin'
我可懒得跟你装 这嘴炮里只放活人真事
They cannot see me, windows is tinted
狗仔队拍不着我 窗上还有骚玻璃能闪瞎狗眼 (windows is tinted指装了带色玻璃)
My new chick Lebanese she call me Habibi
泡了个黎巴嫩的妞 她老叫我“哈掰掰” (Habibi源自阿拉伯语中对男性的爱称)
Never want me to leave but I gotta be free
她还老爱黏我 这真好 可我也得喘口小气啊
Can't tie me down I am not a tuxedo
诶 我这制服都还没穿上呢 给我整啥捆绑啊
****in' the game up excuse my libido
这人要玩嗨了 总是欲盛难满
Chip on my shoulder ain't talkin' Dorito
她成了我心头执念 可不只为着得她碎发落我肩 (chip on one’s shoulder在意某某,Dorito某零食品牌,俚“Dorito Chip”零乱飘散的碎发)
She playin' my music it boost up my ego
还为着有她宣我的调调 这真让我小心脏怦怦跳
I'm fightin' demons but tell me who isn’t
我正跟心魔拼命斗 谁不是这般拼命斗
Every day a battle but today I'm winnin'
每日皆战场 今日我赢家
Second you give up yeah that's when you finished
若你想弃了 那你就输了
I don't take it personal it's only business
不是要针对哪位啊 来社会上混就这样
I'm just...
我就 。。。
I'm just speakin' from the heart spittin' atriums and ventricles
诶呀 我就掏心窝子地跟你这么讲咯
Every person has a different side we asymmetrical
人心可有多面 多面而易杂乱 杂乱故难匀称
I'ma let it show, believe me there ain't shit to hide
就看我一吐衷肠 给你瞧瞧啥叫真心不藏
I'm done with blending in by putting on this big disguise
See I'm affected by surroundings
瞧我 都给这周遭垃圾搅和成啥样咯
I represent every individual that's around me
想吐句实话 都得合着身边人的意来
I'm cutting all the toxic people out of my connection now
赶紧着吧 远离这世道人心的蛊惑毒害
Choosin' people that motivate me instead of stress me out
就想找点知音勉励 而不是啥内卷压力
I got no shame in lettin' homies loose
跟友友们搁一块寻自在 这有啥丢人啊
'Cause now I see it now I know the truth
如今看来 我 悟 了
All about the energy, emotions that you send to me
你给了我辣么多 女儿情 正能酿
If it don't lift me up I gotta go and simply let it be
要这都不能叫我起 那我只好装圣贤 —— 看透放手 顺其自然
Study the world and its Fibonacci sequences
重新认识寰宇大世 参一参自然哲学的数学原理
With all this knowledge it’s hard not to be secretive
才明白做学问者 当是内秀低调不外露
Sacred geometry, imprinted on my tongue
几何原理间的神圣 深显在金口玉言中
Keep my ratios golden like the rays of a sun
整活就想往黄金一线靠 好见日头那样靓的金黄
Young son of a land where we praise all the dumb shit
Don’t give a **** what Kim K had for lunch
It’s, gettin' out of hand, understand this is brainwash
大伙娱乐至死 世情如此纵肆 又与洗脑何异
Shut ya mouth and let ya brain talk
嘴有口臭快闭上 听听脑阔说啥话
This is higher frequency music
或听我搁这放五分钟高频爆能炮 (此歌全长5分多钟)
I'm givin' you a piece of me, use it
给宁谈点鄙人拙见 有用宁就用
They wonder how I easily do this
小样们好奇我咋就能这么轻而易举 哈——
Keep my chakras all balanced I don't need to be Buddhist
我三脉七轮自成稳衡 才不要出家当啥和尚
It’s, written on the wall you just gotta read it
我把狂言作警句 涂鸦街墙巷壁 你来品一品
The energy is in you, you just gotta feed it
想要正能酿产得好 你就得喂得好
Inhale, exhale, let it flow out
吞云 吐雾 叫愁绪流别处
And all that manifested negativity just throw out
脸上的不悦不快 随便找个地丢掉得了
I know karma’s comin' back and it's gonna be a *****
我晓那天道好轮回 生活可如碧池一般美腻
There’s a reason why they say to be careful what you wish
信女们叫我小心点 佛前可别乱许愿 嗯有点道理
But I'm in, way too deep, at least that's what she told me
怪我执念太深 太 深 她都说受不了咯
Beat it, beat it, beat it, like I'm in the UFC
弟弟们快滚快跑快逃 我可如混世拳王般威风 (UFC终极格斗冠军赛)
I'm a trend setter, with a vendetta
我可独领风骚 我可来仇现报
I could never be a vegan 'cause I love my ****ing cheddar
别不恰肉好装啥高尚 配着乳酪大块朵颐岂不香
Got my bread up, 2016, I was lookin' through some pics
看着照片感慨多 时光回一六 正为赚钱忧
That year my bank account had negative 26
当年账户 不堪入目 还欠着二十六这个数
I, had to go to line up some bands like a festival
我还得弄来些乐队 装成过节样地嗨皮搞串烧
Sometimes you gotta grab life by the testicles
有时就得狠狠攥住生活的要害 才能逼出希望来
And real music never died it just took a nap
音乐啥的没嗝屁咯 就是搁哪打了个盹
I'm boutta wake this mother****er up and bring it back
我这就去把那厮叫醒 带来好跟宁遛遛
11:11 I pray to the heavens above
双十一到咯 我要跟人间天堂的马爸爸求愿 (11:11是某些亚文化中见证奇迹的许愿好时刻)
Thankful for all in life who keep spreadin' the love
在此感慰命中 得遇贵人 得受天地大爱
Spirit guide keep me strong for whatever’s to come
幸得圣灵指引 引我愈挫愈勇 勇赴天命
Old soul should've been born in 1971
我身未而立 心已知天命 惟愿铁面大哥安息天命 (此缅怀MF DOOM,1971生,2020逝,正其近天命之年,Old soul可指思想境界超越同龄同时代者)
此曲独我所造 晓此至关重要 (此Croosh双关,作为唯一词曲作者名及演唱者名着重强调,也是“crucial”俚语写法,表“至关重要”)