Burn With Me -Whilk &Misky
Written by :Nima Khaste
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
I'm my own best friend
And my worst enemy
We get on like a house on fire
Well you wouldn't wanna burn with me
I'm my own best friend
And my worst enemy
And if we both caught fire well
There wouldn't be much left to see
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
I'm my own best friend
And my worst enemy
We get on like a house on fire well
You wouldn't wanna burn with me
I'm my own best friend
And my worst enemy
We get on like a house on fire
But that fire keeps burning me
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Be on
Burning with me
1.Burn With Me