Lost On My Ship (迷航)

Wake up in the morning
I can see many strangers holding a key to me
Wake up in the morning
With a cup of coffee and cookies
But they don't understand me
有什么在你的耳边围绕 却听不到
有什么在你的面前微笑 却看不到
Life is limited
Like the birds won’t be shining
I've lost on my ship where is the captain
I've lost on my ship where is the captain
I've lost on my ship where is the captain
(我已迷失在此航 船长何在)
I've lost on my ship where is the captain
(我已在大海中流浪 头鲸何在)
(我已陷入这场风暴 何时终了)
母带:Bankroll Studio
(我已被困在这方舟 本我何在)
1.SILK (丝)
2.Fly (伴奏)
3.ARK (诺亚方舟)
4.ARK (伴奏)
5.Lost On My Ship (迷航)
6.Fly (飞)
7.Dionysus (酒神)
8.Creature (众生)
9.Nightmare (梦魇)
10.Rain Stops (雨停了)
11.Flame (烈焰)
12.Drown (沉落)
13.Breeze (微风)
14.Compassion (怜悯)
15.Depression (抑郁)
16.Rage (忿怒)
17.Drown (伴奏)
18.Lost On My Ship (伴奏)
19.Breeze (伴奏)
20.Creature (伴奏)
21.Rain Stops (伴奏)
22.Rage (伴奏)
23.Depression (伴奏)
24.Compassion (伴奏)
25.Flame (伴奏)
26.Nightmare (伴奏)
27.Dionysus (伴奏)
28.SILK (伴奏)