Ah this text written in collaboration with Kels Elvens in 1938 commemorates the first appearance with Dr. Benway. It's called em, 'Twilights Last Gleamings'.
SS America off Jersey coast. Ladies and Gentlemen there is no cause for alarm. We have a minor problem in the boiler room, but everything is now under the sound effects of a nuclear blast.
Explosion splits the boat.
Dr. Benway, ships doctor, drunkenly added two inches to a four inch incision with one stroke of his scalpel.
'Perhaps the appendix is already out doctor?' The nurse said.
Appearing dubiously over his shoulder, 'I saw a little scar'
'The appendix already out!'
'I'm taking the appendix out!'
'What do you think I'm doing here?!'
'Perhaps the appendix is on the left side doctor that happens sometimes you know!'
'Stop breathing down my neck I'm coming to that.'
'Don't you think I know where an appendix is?'
'I studied appendectomy in 1904 at Harvard'
He lifts the abdominal wall and searches around the incision dropping ashes from his cigarette.
'Get me a new scalpel; this one's got no edge to it!'
He thrusts a red fist at her. The doctor reels back and flattens against the wall, a bloody scalpel clutched in one hand. The patient slides off the operating table spilling intestines across the floor.
Dr. Benway sweeps instruments, ******* and ******** into his satchel.
'Sew her up, I can't be expected to work under such conditions!'
By the dawns early light, Dr. Benway pushed through a crowd at the rail and boarded the first flight croak.
'Are you alright?' he said, seating himself amongst the women, 'I'm the doctor'
1.Born, Never Asked
2.Introducing John Stanley Hart
3.Twilight's Last Gleamings
4.My Protagonist Kim Carson
5.Salt Chunk Mary
6.Progressive Education
7.The Wild Fruits
8.The Unworthy Vessel
9.The Name Is Clem Snide
10.Mr. Hart Couldn't Hear the Word Death
12.Dr. Miller
13.Closed Circuits
14.For Electronic Dogs
15.It Was Up in the Mountains
16.I Don't Need It, I Don't Want It, and You Cheated Me Out of It
17.Structuralist Filmmaking
18.Completely Attached to Delusion