Musiq Soulchild - Alphabet
Awesome absolutely amazing
Girl you are so astounding
More beautiful
Banging body and such a brilliant mind
Can't stop craving contact
The conversation chemistry so first class
Damn darling there ain't no doubt
The way you are doing it its so divine
Ecstasy that is excellent
Fresh to death you are fantastic
Goodness gracious girl
You got it going on on you I am so good
How the hell do you do it?
Intelligent intuitive
Just met but you got me jogging my brain all night
You got me learning the ABC's of you
Every letter in the alphabet
Is another reason that I love
Learning the ABC's of you
Every letter of the alphabet
Is another reason that I want you
Killing me so softly
A knock out girl you kick like karate
Long legs lushes lips
Those lady lumps I think I am in love
How you move, it's so magical
I want to make sweet music
Never met nobody like you no
I cant get enough
Opposite of ordinary
Perfection pardon my staring
Quite simply the quintessential queen
There is no questioning
Really dont know how rare you are
Sweet smaple and yet so sensual
You are taking me on a trip
I am so twisted it's hard to think
Under your spell
Baby you are unbelievable
Vanity aint in your vibe
But its all invaluable
Everywhere you wanna go
X marks the spot girl dont you know
You are all I need from A to Z
2.Pop Life
12.Adore (Edit)
14.Alphabet St.
20.Dirty Mind
23.Do Me, Baby
32.**** M.F.
33.Gett Off
36.Purple Rain
38.200 Balloons
41.Horny Toad
42.Feel U Up
45.Erotic City
51.17 Days