Long Shadows of Dread

The world grows dark
Dusk turns ominous
Penance for evil days long upon us
Unforetold dread is on the horizon
Warning us of impending doom
The world is become a despairing desert
The sands of time run short
The foundations of the black earth move beneath our feet
Unnamable fear lurks ever nearer
The shadows lengthen
The shadows lurk
The order of the cosmos is undone
The waters of chaos rise
All that we are is soon to die
Of the black Earth, only ruins shall remain
A desolate remembrance casting long shadows across untold centuries
1.The Oxford Handbook of Savage Genocidal Warfare
2.Vile Nilotic Rites
3.Seven Horns of War
4.That Which Is Forbidden
5.Snake Pit Mating Frenzy
6.Revel in Their Suffering
7.Thus Sayeth the Parasites of the Mind
8.Where Is the Wrathful Sky
9.The Imperishable Stars Are Sickened
10.Long Shadows of Dread
11.We Are Cursed