Desolate and Forsaken,Eerily Moaning Dark Winds
Murmur Incantations,Dusk Calls Forth Shadows
Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering,Bound to this Place
They Whisper of Untold Sagas,of Long Dead Cities
the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu
of Ages Past when the World was Young
When Babylon was Blessed of Marduk
and the Sound of her Armies was the Blare of Ominous War Horns
and the Clash of Immortal Cymbals
of Bronze Gates Arrayed in Splendour
and Magnificent Walls of Sunbaked Brick of Temples of Marble
and Bloodstained Altars,Long Before the Jeweled Throne of Ur
Fell Silent and Turned to Dust
Beneath the Endless Shifting Sands
and the Inevitable Vengeance of the Elements
1.Invocation of the Gate of Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti
2.Black Seeds of Vengeance
3.Defiling the Gates of Ishtar
4.The Black Flame
5.Libation Unto the Shades Who Lurk In the Shadows of the Temple of Anhur
6.Masturbating the War God
7.Multitude of Foes
8.Chapter For Transforming Into a Snake
9.Nas Akhu Khan She En Absiu
10.To Dream of Ur
11.The Nameless City of the Accursed
12.Khetti Satha Shemsu