Favorite Sound

And I, I tend to be my own worst enemy
如今 我变成了自己的强敌
And I, I linger on everything
我 犹豫不决 摇摆不定
But I find when I'm alone it gets so hard to breathe
身边只有自己 孤独到难以呼吸
And I, I, and I
Shouldn't apologize for just existing
我出现在世界上 自有其原因
Shouldn't apologize for just being me
我要学着 自由潇洒地做我自己
Trying to hide behind all my distractions
Ok 'til quiet comes
假装若无其事 直到回到安静的世界里
When it all dies down it gets so loud
但当一切归于平静 耳边的声音却聒噪不停
All the voices in my head just try to fill me up with doubt
那些声音 充斥着自卑与怀疑
I'm learning how to turn around
我知道 我要转过身来
All the voices in my head
I think I've found my favorite sound
我想 我已找到了我最想听的声音
I think I've found my favorite sound
我想 我已找到了我最想听的声音
Oh, I think I've found my favorite sound
Do you take the time to recognize yourself?
你是否 努力尝试 却无法认识自己
Do you spin like a carousel?
是否在原地打转 不知该去向哪里
I want you to know that it's okay to ask for help
我想说 找其他人求助也没关系
We all need help, we all need help
我们都需要帮助 拯救自己
Shouldn't apologize for just existing
我出现在世界上 自有其原因
Shouldn't apologize for just being me
我要学着 自由潇洒地做我自己
Trying to hide behind all my distractions
Ok when the quiet comes
假装若无其事 直到回到安静的世界里
When it all dies down it gets so loud
但当一切归于平静 耳边的声音却聒噪不停
All the voices in my head just try to fill me up with doubt
那些声音 充斥着自卑与怀疑
I'm learning how to turn around
我知道 我要转过身来
All the voices in my head
I think I've found my favorite sound
我想 我已找到了我最想听的声音
I think I've found my favorite sound
Oh, I think I've found my favorite sound
I think I've found my favorite sound
Oh, I think I've found my favorite sound
我想 我已找到了我最想听的声音
Embrace the silence
Trying to find this feeling that I'm doing okay
I'm my own project, a work in progress
I know I'm better than okay
我知道 我已找到了更好的自己
1.Favorite Sound