I pick up by the handful the somber heap at my feet eyes closed to see the hopeful trusting my deepest instinct
I pick up by the handful the somber heap at my feet eyes closed to see the hopeful trusting my deepest instinct but
I go on, dawning light, task of hope in a dawn light, task of hope, these are stars at last dare to raise my eyes,
I saw the ship in the stars strong of glittering fleet, bringing light to the new born
I pick up by the handful the somber heap at my feet eyes closed to see the hopeful trusting my deepest instinct at last dare to raise my eyes,
I saw the ship in the stars strong of glittering fleet, bringing light to the new born (but I go on,task of hope,dawning light)
1.Op Hop Detonation
2.Blue Milk
3.Blips, Drips And Strips
4.People Do It All The Time
5.Italian Shoes Continuum
6.The Free Design
8.Blue Milk
9.Velvet Water
10.Strobo Acceleration
11.Come Andy Play In The Milky Night
12.The Emergency Kisses
13.Puncture In The Radak Permutation
14.Infinity Girl
15.The Spiracles