Chaque art particulier rien n'est jamais donné des cas particuliers sont á dissocier toute chose reste infernal ça ne vient pas du ciel en toute lucidité jamais la solution
Je n'ai que des questions (N'est pas du ?"ciel?") translation
Each particular art/talent nothing is ever freely given each particular case has to be disassociated everything remains diabolical it does not come from
Heaven in all lucidity never the solution
I have nothing but questions (Not from ?"Heaven"?)
1.Melochord Seventy-Five
2.Get Carter
3.The Incredible He Woman
4.1000 Miles an Hour
5.Klang Tone
7.One Small Step
8.Ulan Bator
9.One Note Samba/Surfboard
10.The Long Hair of Death
11.You Used to Call Me Sadness
12.How to Play Your Internal Organs Overnight
13.The Extension Trip
14.Pop Quiz
15.Golden Atoms
16.Speedy Car
17.New Orthophony
18.Iron Man
20.Metronomic Underground (Wagon Christ mix)
21.The Brush Descends the Length
22.Check and Double Check