Wherever U Go (prod by demxntia)

Take me wherever you go, yuh, oh
Take me wherever you go, (?) my soul
请带上我一同前行 我的灵魂早已无处流动
Flying around like a ghost, you pick me up when I'm low
像幽灵般漂浮着 在我身处低谷时你会拾起我
You are the rock to my roll, my wrist is shining all gold
你是我的摇滚乐 我的手腕闪闪发光
Travel the world, and it rolls, you keep me warm when I'm cold
环球旅行 起伏着 你在我寒冷时张开臂膀
Ayy, I follow wherever you go, walking the path that I chose, ayy
我跟随你去向每个角落 我只是走在我选的路上而已
I follow wherever you go, shawty come show me your world
你去到天涯海角我都在一旁 甜心 给我看看你的世界
I know that I'm saying it twice, I can't help but look in her eyes
我知道我复述了这话一遍 我却无法控制地迷住她的眼瞳
The demon that walks in the night, and now I keep rolling the dice
恶魔在黑夜中漫游 现在我只能掷骰子
And betting it all on my life
And now she opens my heart, I should have known from the start
她看透了我的心扉 我从一开始就该明白
But now I'm here in the dark, and I can't break these ties
但如今身处盲目黑暗 我不能卸去捆绑
Rhese feelings that I hold, fight like fireflies
曾拥有过的细小感情 像萤火虫般去争斗
Late at night, girl hold me tight
漫漫夜晚 女孩请用力抱紧我
Just say good night
Take me wherever you go, (?) my soul
请带上我一同前行 我的灵魂早已无处流动
Flying around like a ghost, you pick me up when I'm low
像幽灵般漂浮着 在我身处低谷时你会拾起我
You are the rock to my roll, my wrist is shining all gold
你是我的摇滚乐 我的手腕闪闪发光
Travel the world, and it rolls, you keep me warm when I'm cold
环球旅行 起伏着 你在我寒冷时张开臂膀
Take me wherever you go, (?) my soul
请带上我一同前行 我的灵魂早已无处流动
Flying around like a ghost, you pick me up when I'm low
像幽灵般漂浮着 在我身处低谷时你会拾起我
You are the rock to my roll, my wrist is shining all gold
你是我的摇滚乐 我的手腕闪闪发光
Travel the world, and it rolls, you keep me warm when I'm cold
环球旅行 起伏着 你在我寒冷时张开臂膀
(You keep me warm when I'm cold)
1.Wherever U Go (prod by demxntia)