I always cop the blame, anxiety is peaking
我总是小心着人际交往 焦虑抑郁到极点
I’m never feeling safe, see spiders in the ceiling
从未有归属感 盯着棚上的蜘蛛
There’s nothing left to gain, so what the point in breathing?
没什么可失去可得取的 为何要为了存活呼吸
I wanna ****ing change, and give my life a meaning
企图改变自己 给自己一个存活的意义
They don’t care what I say, I’m always ****ing lonely
可他们听而不闻 我只能踽踽独行
Wish I could go away, then maybe you will love me
希望我最后的逝去 能换来你的短暂叹息
These drugs inside my brain, the insides ****ing ugly
麻药麻痹着我思绪 心早丑陋不堪
I never feel okay, I guess I’m never lucky
装作一切安好实则不然 我想我永远不会幸运
My Body starts to rain, it’s looking kinda bloody
我的尸体流着血雨 看着些许血腥
I'm sippin on the drank, my cup is kinda muddy
无节制的酗酒 酒杯泥泞不堪
Sometimes I gotta pray, the world will always **** me
有时我不得祈祷 世界能多一点善待我
I really wanna stay, but life is not so lovely
我也想活下去 但生活不会尽善尽美
I always cop the blame, anxiety is peaking
我总是考虑他人情绪 焦虑急躁到极点
I’m never feeling safe, see spiders in the ceiling
不安感扩散 盯着天花板的蜘蛛
There’s nothing left to gain, so what the point in breathing?
早就没什么可得可失的了 呼吸不也一样吗
I wanna ****ing change, and give my life a meaning
想着凤凰涅槃 不再忝颜偷生
They don’t care what I say, I’m always ****ng lonely
可人们袖手旁观 我自始至终茕茕孑立
Wish I could go away, then maybe you will love me
祈求我最后的逝去 换来你的一丝惆怅
These drugs inside my brain, the insides ****ing ugly
侵蚀着我思绪 皮肉间早已丑恶不堪
I never feel okay, I guess I’m never lucky
从未有过归属感 我想我从未幸运过
My Body starts to rain, it’s looking kinda bloody
冰冷躯壳下着血雨 看上去些许血腥
I'm sippin on the drank, my cup is kinda muddy
只能枕曲藉糟 酒杯映照出丑恶的我
Sometimes I gotta pray, the world will always **** me
有时我不得乞求 世界能些许平易近人
I really wanna stay, but life is not so lovely
真的想活下去啊 但现实只是残忍吞噬着你(还是要好好活下去!)