I was walking on the road徘徊道中
Just tried to find something new欲寻新物
I didn't know why吾惘然矣
“why everything is so gray?”何以致万物皆灰
“hey wait!”等等
“what's that?”那是啥
“Is that a light?”是一道白光吗?
Ha ha悦然
Let me sing to you听其婉婉唱来
Oh my god was there a light?那是一道白光吗?
I don't even believe my eyes吾不敢轻信其眼
I can't see you余不见尔
I can't see you余不见尔
I don't know where to hide吾不知何处藏身
You are an angel right?你是一个天使吗?
Cause now I think I am flying因为我感觉吾已飘飘乎如乘虚御风
Don't deserve you吾卑矣
I don't deserve you吾不可比
You can't be a part of my life你会成为我生命的一部分吗?
Call you unfading赞汝以
Unfading beauty不朽之美
Call you hidden flame深藏之焰
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn my soul吾魂已燃
You are unfading汝者
Unfading beauty不朽之美
You are hidden flame深藏之焰也
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn!吾魂已燃
Yeah you are unfading赞汝以不朽之美
Yeah you are unfading赞汝以不朽之美
Oh my god was there a light?那是一道白光吗?
I don't even believe my eyes吾不敢轻信其眼
I can't see you余不见尔
I can't see you余不见尔
I don't know where to hide吾不知何处藏身
You are an angel right?你是一个天使吗?
Cause now I think I am flying因为我感觉吾已飘飘乎如乘虚御风
Don't deserve you吾卑矣
I don't deserve you吾不可比
You can't be a part of my life你会成为我生命的一部分吗?
Call you unfading赞汝以
Unfading beauty不朽之美
Call you hidden flame深藏之焰
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn my soul吾魂已燃
You are unfading汝者
Unfading beauty不朽之美
You are hidden flame深藏之焰也
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn my soul吾魂已燃
Call you unfading赞汝以
Unfading beauty不朽之美
Call you hidden flame深藏之焰
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn my soul吾魂已燃
You are unfading汝者
Unfading beauty不朽之美
You are hidden flame深藏之焰也
Let it burn my heart吾心已焚
Let it burn!吾魂已燃
Yeah you are unfading赞汝以不朽之美
Yeah you are unfading赞汝以不朽之美