These Things Will Come To Be

I'm kinda glad you didn't pick up
I kinda just called to hear your voice, so
Your voice recording was enough
I've been thinking about you and
I miss you
I hope and I wish that you're doing okay
I want us to go back to the old days
Because I miss you
And I just thought of you, so I thought I'd call you
To tell you that you crossed my mind and I took that as a sign that
I should call and say hi
So that's all
But the idea of you listening to this
The thought of you on the other side of the line
I can't hang up
I don't want this to end
2.She Loves Me
3.The Right Place (feat. Teira)
4.Walking With Ur Smile
5.Song For The Lonely
6.Tell Me One More Time
7.U Already Know
8.Home Calling
9.These Things Will Come To Be
10.I Feel Better