Dance in the mirror, I’m whining
镜前起舞 我不禁抱怨
Calling my phone, I decline it, yea
手机来电 我全部挂断
You know I’m stingy with timing
Watch how I flip and rewind it
Only pop out if I’m paid, yeah
Smoking a joint no debate, yeah, talking that good conversation and only the coven relay
吞云吐雾 在大家面前侃侃而谈 只有Coven为我撑腰(Coven, 音乐制作公司COVEN MUSIC)
I talk my shit, I’m in the mood, I said “**** school” to get them blues
我自说自话 我兴致盎然 我说“去他的学校”他们无话可说
Plenty to lose I got nothing to prove
***** you fell off when I told you the truth
(God damn)
New attitude now, yeah, bubba that’s a mood now, yeah
全新的态度 兄弟那是一种心境
Doechii on a move now, yeah
Top of the view, how it look down there, I swear
我发誓 从高处俯视 有最顶级的风景
(God damn)
I can give you all but what’s left to me
我可以对你倾尽所有 但留给我什么呢
Talking like you’ve been there but you ain’t never knew me
说的好像你很深情 却从未了解我
This time you can’t pull up, it’s a new me
这次你无法甩手走人 这是崭新的我
You ain’t got a shot to shoot, aye
You ain’t got vibe to lose
(Wink wink)
On my solo dolo rendezvous
Taking nudes none of them for you
赤身裸体 从不为取悦你
Body like God, love the moon, let my Yoni charge
天赐的完美躯体 月光般皎洁 自我深度安慰
Working way too hard, broke my heart, but I brushed that off
努力工作 心力交瘁 但我并不在乎
Maybe I’m just too soft, maybe I’m just too raw, baby, that’s just my law
可能是我太软弱 可能我只是太生涩 宝贝那只不过是我的规则
Don’t wanna wear no bra, don’t wanna go too far
不想束缚自己 不想太极端
You gon’flip but I love the trip
你想翻篇 但我渴望这段旅程
Invite you way too much
You gon’flip if I scam again
你会离开 如果我继续哄骗
Not gon’take that loss
**** is a line, to all of my friends, we always get in
情爱是朋友的界限 我们常在边缘试探
We under the age but they buying us gin, I’m sad and depressed, don’t see none of these men
我们未成年 他们帮忙买杜松子酒 哀伤忧愁 这些男人我谁都不见
I want they coke and they hen, I got a joint in my hand
我想要他们的轩尼诗配可乐 我得到了一支烟
He got a blunt to his lip, ew, anxious as **** I can’t sit still, all out of luck if my drink spill
他说话结结巴巴 焦虑极了我无法静坐在这 如果酒洒了会引来不幸
Only throw up when I’m bottling up
I got hidden emotions
I take a deep hit then I put it in motion, I’m plucking these petals and cooking up potion
我用力一击然后付诸行动 抢走这些瓶罐调制我自己的药水
It’s hocus,It’s pocus, new focus, new *****, it’s popping
这是场骗局 新的目标是新鲜身体 蠢蠢欲动
I’m chosen, I knew it, I grew it, I’m fluent
我早知道会被选择 我已经熟练并应付自如
You doubting my music, I’m ruling supreme, she wanna follow my lead, Doechii the dean
你在质疑我的音乐 我正所向无敌 她以我为榜样 Doechii是主宰者
Cast a spell for this gleam, channeled my goddess, I planted my seed, yeah
神光一现 施法看了守护女神一眼 我受启发播下种子
I’m that A, **** the plan B,like what he see, bet he slanging that D
我是那个A等生 去他的Plan B 正如所见 都在嫉妒Doechii
I make ’em, I make ’em breathe, open that door, I took a peak
我让他们 我让他们松了口气 打开那扇门 偷偷看一眼
He wanna leak in my sheets, he goona sow what he reaps, give what he keeps, yeah
他想与我一番云雨 但他咎由自取 自有因果报应
I can give you all but what’s left to me
我可以对你倾尽所有 但留给我什么呢
Talking like you’ve been there but you ain’t never knew me
说的好像你很深情 却从未了解我
This time you can’t pull up, it’s a new me
这次你无法甩手走人 这是崭新的我
You ain’t got a shot to shoot, aye
You ain’t got vibe to lose
A life in the leaven, the one in the seven
被影响到的人生 成功只有微弱的可能
The city take another betting, bitty body, the day when you have it
当你拥有一切时 人群又开始质疑你瘦弱的体型
My finger itching for that, uh, like a boy and a reverend
我极力渴望尝试 抛弃伦理道德
I’m clairvoyant, ***** you ain’t gotta lie, cause I smell it
超能力是透视 别说谎 我一眼看穿
Too slick for the pigs, ***** what’s your endeavor
超能力是透视 别说谎 我一眼看穿
Tampa niggas know the lingo *****, money and weather, yeah we famous together
坦帕的兄弟都明白的暗号 谈论天气和财富 我们有福同享
you ain’t checking on me, I can tell you desperate and jealous, ***** **** is you sellling
不用管我 我已经看出你的绝望与嫉恨 你只会出售自己的身体
Cranking in panties after school spitting to felons
If you ain’t part of the city then you ain’t picking your melons
如果不是这座城市的一份子 你都不会容身之地
If you ain’t pitching your business, well then you’re probably irrelevant, *****
如果不推销你的业务 那么你可能被认为是不相干的
None of us celibate **** the game for the hell of it
I’m just looking for a bitty who can fly me out to Montauk
Plus I’m with my ***** and you better hope his gun tucked
另外我和我的兄弟们在一起 你最好希望他的**
***** getting wetter and it’s softer than a gum drop
身体逐渐湿润 变得比泡泡糖还柔软
When I’m in Atlanta, I be whipping in a sun top
当我在亚特兰大时 我会在太阳沐浴下徜徉
Sorry I be tripping, I be itching for that gun ****
抱歉我着迷了 渴望这坚硬**
He ain’t getting money then you worried about the wrong ****
Living out a bum box, now he pushing pop rocks
活的像个流浪汉 他走的是流行摇滚路线
Nigga got the block hot, ever since his song flopped
出的歌扑街了 他到处惹祸
Blowing up, I’m speeding up, I’m picking up my pace
意气风发 全速前进 我在加快步伐
Bounty on my booty they not ******** with my race
搔首弄姿 他们就不找我肤色的麻烦
When I bring my loud they be thinking that it’s laced
我引起注意时 他们说我不正常
Bitch is getting loud ‘bout to put her in her place
声势浩大 豆豉姐快要坐上她的王位
Do this **** for fun and you doing it for fame
You a fake, you a fraud, you a flam
你是假货 你是虚伪的 你是骗子
Doechii lil slim, cut the beat up one take one trim, ***** you’re a them
小妖精Doechii 他们抨击我的梦想 对我诈取豪夺 你也在其中一个
Launching my brand I just started a what
Saved up my bands I just bought a new what
Open my chakras I opened my what
Staff getting bigger should buy us a bus, huh
***** biting to the bone, huh
Boy you teething suck your thumb, what
Making money from my phone, huh
Doechii finally in her zone, yeah