there are fires below us永远都看不到
there are fires below you远空的星火
well there are stars above us穿过天际 坠落
that you could've never seen将我们包围
run away run away so fast你飞也似的逃离
run away you can't even look back甚至无法回望
you carved out your name in my arms刻在我手臂上的名字
run away run away so fast从前的从前从身边划过
run away you can't even turn back你当然不会停下脚步
you carved out our names留下片段曾经
In many miles between us你我相隔 何止千里
we light up fires below you但我宁愿相信 启明会化作流星
and these stars will lead us to reach where I belong指引 在天光绚烂处重逢
run away run away so fast你飞也似的逃离
run away you can't even look back甚至无法回望
you carved out your name in my arms刻在我手臂上的名字
run away run away so fast那些闪回的记忆
run away you can't even turn back都不能让你停下脚步
you carved out our names into stars你说你想在星空的尽头 刻下我们的一生
1.Carve Our Names