How many moves how many loses 有多少次行动就有多少次失败
Some tries hard have to lose 有些事就是太难不得不失去
(Phantom)Phantom ghost's hunting no luv 虚无缥缈追寻着不爱
No luv Monday gotta keep it moving 即可保持进步每一天
Badly come with a coke is about a mode yuh 颓废的生活是一种状态
Maybe just bout to take a moment 也许应该就此停住
Let's no luv mode 让我们保持不爱的状态吧
How many moves we flossing ay 有多少行动怠慢了
How many loses we balling ay shits be increased by 多少次努力都失败了
Some tries they hard have to lose and we should never worry bout 有些事就是太难我们不得不放弃我们也不需要去在乎
Those shits teach me how can fly 这些失败教会我飞翔
Those shits teach me how the world be round and working logically, ay 这些失败教会我如何更好地面对复杂的世界
Many years the shits were bout to dirty boring that we always tried to flee 许多年我们逃避着这些枯燥乏味的生活
Many years the loves were curse, about to try to sip 许多年为情所伤变得失落
Sip a perc with many pieces 抿一剂安眠药
Sip a perc yeah we are going back to honey sweet we are going back to morning honey sleep 抿一剂安眠药就可以回到过去的美好
How many moves how many loses 有多少次行动就有多少次失败
Some tries hard have to lose 有些事就是太难不得不失去
(Phantom)Phantom ghost's hunting no luv 虚无缥缈追寻着不爱
No luv Monday gotta keep it moving 即可保持进步每一天
Badly come with a coke is about a mode yuh 颓废的生活是一种状态
Maybe just bout to take a moment 也许应该就此停住
Let's no luv mode 让我们保持不爱的状态吧
why u take me in that fkin no love mode 为什么要把我带到那不爱的状态
living crazy story mode 活在这童话世界里
No luv mode no luv mode 不爱
Let's no luv mode 让我们保持不爱的状态吧
Nutt on dat hoe me and fanvy chalky the goat 我们最棒因为我们超现实主义疯狂不爱
Yeah we on go 是很舒服
時間太少 任務太重
I got hopes in crew 網路上的用戶
對我們嫉妒 歷史真正載入 我們書寫的路
1.Secret Crush
2.Mr. No Luv
3.Surreal Krazy No Luv