Simple (+lileffort)

Mixed and Mastered by Motorolaboi and geNcoO
這是愛 so I feel a lot of pain(这是爱所以感觉好痛)
你不在 so I never ****ing care(你不在所以我从不在乎)
Tell me 1 more time so I know it’s never fair(再告诉我1次这样我就知道这不公平)
I know I’m so simple(我想得太简单了)
I’m a normie im a ****ing psycho(我如此普通又爱发神经)
Simple, Never knew me never really care(从来不知道我会这么不在意)
Simple, Feeling blessed cuz princess likes my hair(感觉太幸运了因为我的公主喜欢我的发型)
抽根煙 I’m thinking wut if we met when we were free yeah(我在想如果我们都单身的时候相遇会是怎样)
Simple, Simple
I’m sorry I can’t give u shit(对不起我不能给你什么)
Wishing for, Wishing for a remedy(但又渴望着你能治愈我)
Cuz I’m so simple I’ve been through some crazy tragedies(我是傻白甜但经历了很多的悲剧)
I was told I’m just normie I should throw my dream(别人说我是普信男让我别做白日梦)
Society put me down for some petty blink(社会让我遭受了横眉冷眼)
You pick me up said u like me for what I have been(但你却看上我并接受我的过去)
You’re my remedy(你就是我的良药)
You’re my remedy(你治愈了我)
**** my enemies(去他妈的hater)
They don’t have a queen(他们一无所有)
I don’t care if I’m simple or a tragedy(我不管别人说我否天真还是悲剧)
Yeah novasphere download my mind yea
why ur luv is temporary(为什么你的爱如此短暂)
u so yummy but im hungry(你是如此美味而我却很饥渴)
dream so sweet but reality is a sour story(梦是如此甜美现实却如此酸涩)
gossip becomes true like the prophecy(流言蜚语成真就像预言)
luv is a game so complicated(爱你就像玩一场复杂的游戏)
i been playing it with simple ways(但我一直用着简单的方式玩耍)
那些bullshit 不想听你说
i aint simp for anyone anymore(我再也不会是谁的添狗)
simple simple
wanna deal with issues easily(想能轻松地处理这些争执)
i kno i kno
i was free before I met you(遇到你之前我非常自由)
im not great but I'm busy(我不成功但一直在努力)
i also want to be with you all the time(我也想一直和你在一起)
forget the trivia im fine(忘记这些琐事我很好)
you want a ..(你想要的是。。)
i can give it to you(我都能给你)
you don't need to talk(你不用讲太多)
I'm ready for you(我以为你做好准备)
i dont see anyone but you(除了你我谁都不想见)
I will protect you and hold your hand(我会一直保护着你)
Simple boys can fight ten with one(简单男孩能以一敌百)
Don't do unnecessary things(不要做些不必要的事)
Simple, I’m a normie im a ****ing psycho(我如此普通又爱发神经)
Simple, Never knew me never really care(从来不知道我会这么不在意)
Simple, Feeling blessed cuz princess likes my hair(感觉太幸运了因为我的公主喜欢我的发型)
抽根煙 I’m thinking wut if we met when we were free yeah(我在想如果我们都单身的时候相遇会是怎样)
1.Simple (+lileffort)