My dreams have gone off track
我所求的梦想 已经偏离轨道
What I want is painted black
所想要的一切 皆已沾染黑暗
Thought it would find a way
本还抱有希望 找到解决办法
It's getting stronger day by day
此窘迫处境却 一天比一天强
I can play it safe
我本来是可以 稳稳将其掌握
But I've been here my whole damn life
但是我的一生 却已在此决断
Picking up pace
加大我的频率 加快我的步伐
So are you gonna change me tonight?
你今晚是否会 把我彻底改变
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我在黑暗一侧 却仍向前狂奔
I'm breaking the speed of sound
我正全力向前 我正超过音速
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我虽身处黑暗 我仍追随光明
I'm pushing every limit now
我正突破极限 我在超越自我
It's not emotional, is there no control?
这并未情绪化 是否未被控制
No, you won't need more than a little
你只需要一点 再多那么一点
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我正处于黑暗 我还恣意狂奔
Run with me now
同我一起奔跑 随我共同前进
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我虽身在黑暗 我仍向前进发
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我虽身处黑暗 我仍追随光明
I want you next to me
要你在我身边 想你在我身旁
Soaking in the ari you breathe
我正沉浸于你 所吐出的空气
Just don't be scared
无需对此恐惧 不必因其害怕
There's no hiding from these eyes that see
没有任何一切 能从眼下躲过
I can play it safe
本能稳操胜券 本能将其掌握
But I've been here my whole damn life
我却已经在此 抉择我的一生
Picking up pace
我正加大步幅 我在加快步频
So are you gonna change me tonight?
你今晚会不会 将我全然改变
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我身处于黑暗 我仍向前奔跑
I'm breaking the speed of sound
我正打破音速 我正超过音速
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我身处于黑暗 却仍不停奔跑
I'm pushing every limit now
我正超越自己 我正突破极限
It's not emotional, is there no control?
这未控于情绪 这未受于控制
No, you won't need more than a little
你只需要多点 再多这一点点
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我虽身处黑暗 我仍追随光明
Run with me now
同我一起奔跑 跟我一同前进
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我身处于黑暗 却仍不停奔跑
On the dark side, I'm running, the dark side, I'm running
我身处于黑暗 却仍不停向前
Run with me now
随我一起奔跑 同我一起向前
1.Darkside (feat. Feldz)