制作人 : T Bone Burnett
Told you baby one more time
Don't make me sit all alone and cry
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
I'm like a fish out of water
A cat in a tree
You don't even want to talk to me
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我不能放手
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
我一回来 他就不带我回去
He won't take me back when I come around
他道声抱歉后 就把我赶出去
Says he's sorry, then he puts me out
I got a big chain around my neck
我支离破碎 分崩离析
And I'm broken down like a train wreck
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
看 我有一支蜡烛 它燃烧得如此明亮
See I got a candle and it burns so bright
In my window every night
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我不能放手
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
You don't like to see me standing around
感觉我被击中了 没摔倒
Feel like I been shot and didn't fall down
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
我一回来 他就不带我回去
He won't take me back when I come around
他道歉后 就把我赶出去
Says he's sorry then he puts me out
I got a big chain around my neck
我支离破碎 分崩离析
And I'm broken down like a train wreck
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我不能放手
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
甩掉麻烦 就像你关掉灯
Turn off trouble like you turn off a light
离去并丢下我 这完全不对劲
Went off and left me it just ain't right
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
Round every corner something I see
Bring me right back how it used to be
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我不能放手
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
我一回来 他就不带我回去
He won't take me back when I come around
他道歉后 就把我赶出去
Says he's sorry then he puts me out
I got a big chain around my neck
我支离破碎 分崩离析
And I'm broken down like a train wreck
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over - I know it - but I can't let go
我一回来 他就不带我回去
He won't take me back when I come around
他道歉后 就把我赶出去
Says he's sorry then he puts me out
I got a big chain around my neck
我支离破碎 分崩离析
And I'm broken down like a train wreck
好吧 一切都结束了 我知道 但我难以释怀
Well it's over I know it but I can't let go
都结束了 我知道 但我不能放手
It's over - I know it - but I can't let go
再回不去 我知道 但我不能放手
It's over - I know it - but I can't let go
电吉他 : Bill Frisell
音频助理 : Rachael Moore
贝斯 : Russell Pahl
鼓 : Jay Bellerose
木吉他 : David Hidalgo
混音工程师 : Michael Piersante/T Bone Burnett
制作 : T Bone Burnett
录音工程师 : Michael Piersante/Tim Oliver
主人声 : Alison Krauss/Robert Plant
母带工程师 : Gavin Lurssen
1.Can't Let Go