欢迎收看这部由六集组成的最新丹麦犯罪电视剧 年度最佳之作
Welcome to the best new six-part Danish crime drama
在大理石房间里她怒火冲天 拜讨厌之人所赐
She steams herself in marble rooms, courtesy of Pig
我沉浸在精彩电视节目之中 承蒙她父亲的好意
I lose myself in the light of the TV, courtesy of her father
她买了那些金光闪闪的东西 放进了厨房的储物柜
She buys everything that glows gold in the kitchen larder
Mother is juicing watermelons on the breakfast island
逐渐衰老的她 用虚弱的双手尽力紧握着NutriBullet调理机(此调理机常用来制作健康饮品 与虚弱双手搭配 反映出一个饮食失调之人 或者指她努力保持年轻 以适应对女性刻板印象的丈夫)
And with frail hands she grips the NutriBullet
我注视着调理机高速运转 脑海里涌现出一幕幕我未曾经历过的情景
And the bite of its blades reminds me of a future that I am in no way part of
And in a wall of photographs
我在楼下第二间客厅里 看着电视
In the downstairs second living room's TV area
I become her father
And complain of mediocre theatre in the daytime
And ice in single malt whiskey at night
抱怨着现代女孩不懂得珍重自己 裙子如此之短 以及年轻人的智商越来越低
Of rising skirt hems and lowering IQs
总是怀念往日时光 感叹着今时非同往日
And things just aren't built like they used to be
The absolute pinnacle of British engineering
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
And I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
Yes, I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
脑海中浮现另一幕情景 戴上墨镜 我变得如此神秘 所向披靡
I am invincible in these sunglasses
我就是Fonz 我就是桃心杰克般的贵族 年轻浪漫的万人迷(Fonz是70年代电视节目Happy Days中的角色 是很典型的cool guy)
I am the Fonz, I am the Jack of Hearts
此刻带着墨镜的我望向你 可是你没有发现
I am looking at you and you cannot tell
我并非器官的简单组合 我如此风趣
I am more than the sum of my parts
我正在用我充满魅力的双眼注视着你 希望你能发现
I am looking at you with my best eyes and I wish you could tell
我希望我的孩子不要像Richard Hell那样身着奇装异服(Richard Hell是一位传奇歌手 他将衣服裁剪撕破并且用别针固定 在衣服上进行绘制 以此出名)
I wish all my kids would stop dressing up like Richard Hell
此刻的我被困在一个充满高科技的 弧形半透明的蓝色堡垒
I am locked away in a high-tech, wraparound, translucent, blue-tinted fortress
And you cannot touch me
戴上墨镜 我变得如此神秘 所向披靡
I am invincible in these sunglasses
交通堵塞 车辆发出哔哔哔的声音
Cars are going "beep, beep, beep"
走在街上 碰到这么多无恶不作的青年混混(roadman是英国的俚语 指的是街头贩卖drugs 四处游荡 制造麻烦的年轻人 与chav类似)
And there are so many roadmen on this street
倍感恐惧 但带上墨镜他们便无法察觉
And they cannot tell that I am scared
戴上墨镜 我变得如此神秘 所向披靡
I am invincible in these sunglasses
我就是当代的Scott Walker(Scott Walker是70年代流行歌手 后来开始制作前卫音乐/Scott Walker也总是被拍到戴着墨镜的照片)
I am 'modern-Scott Walker'
I am a surprisingly smooth talker
戴上墨镜 我变得如此神秘 所向披靡
And I am invincible in these sunglasses
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
And I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
虽然年岁增长经历之事颇多 可我依旧无知
I am so ignorant now, with all that I have learnt
I'm more than adequate
Leave Kanye out of this
把你的舍曲林锁在柜子里吧(舍曲林是一种抗抑郁的药 当然也有副作用 会导致男子阳痿)
Leave your Sertraline in the cabinet
And burn what's left of all the cards you kept
I'm more than adequate
Leave my Daddy's job out of this
Leave your Sertraline in the cabinet
烧毁这剩余所有卡牌 就重新开始一切
And burn what's left of all the cards you kept
I'm more than adequate
Leave Kanye out of this
Leave your Sertraline in the cabinet
受够这无味的生活了 重新开始一切吧
And burn what's left of all the cards you kept
I'm more than adequate
Leave my Daddy's job out of this
Leave your Sertraline in the cabinet
受够这无味的生活了 重新开始一切吧
And burn what's left of all the cards you kept
She sells chemtrails
卖给Bedales学校的学生们(Bedales为英国公立寄宿学校 因滥用drugs而臭名昭著)
To the students at Bedales
I try to free myself from the grip
这位富家女孩(虫胶/Shellac用来护理美甲 价格十分昂贵 在这里代指他的女友 他渴望逃离这个女孩以及她富裕但腐朽的家庭 /另外Shellac也是一支90年代数字摇滚乐队 可能受此启发)
Of Shellac nails
She sells chemtrails
To the students at Bedales
I try to free myself from the grip
Of Shellac nails
3.Track X
4.Athens, France
5.Science Fair