Hildegard: First day of school out in the yard
Making new friends was kinda hard
Saw my big sister there in the sun
So I ran up to join the fun
They were all doing their princess twirl
Told me to try it, to give it a whirl
But I didn't know it so I fell down and everyone laughed
The entire playground
And that was the day I found
If I was gonna make new friends, I'd have to know it all
And learn all the latest trends so that I'd never fall
But if I don't know what to say, I act like I know anyway
'Cause everybody loves somebody who always knows it all
Sofia: I'm sorry you had a tough first day at school, So did I.
But knowing a lot of things doesn't make people like you.
I mean I like you even more now you told me all this.
Hildegard: You do? Why?
Sofia: Because I'm finally getting to know who you really are.
You're being honest and nicer.
And that's a better way to make friends than pretending to know it all.
Hildegard: Maybe you're right.
Sofia: This is one thing I defiantly know...
Sofia: There isn't any need to be a know it all
Good friends are there when you succeed, or even when you fall
Just be humble, warm, and kind, and I know you're sure to find
That no one ever really minds if you don't know it all
Sofia: No one ever really minds
Hildegard: If I don't
Both: Know it all
1.Know It All