I know the path we walk is not a gentle climb
我明白 我们将历经艰难险阻 脚下的路并不平坦
I know I come off cold, closed off, living selfish "I"
我知道 我对你有些冷漠 封闭自我 自私地活着
But I don't say too much
No need to say too much
无需我多言 你便都明白
The wave's crashing on the lake and the waterside
波浪起伏 在那湖边和河畔
Right there I chose to love you till the day we die
就在这里 我定下爱你一生的决心
And I won't say too much
No need to say too much
因为你心知肚明 深知我的想法
Coming through, coming through...
你只管向我走来 我们可以安然渡过
I know the path at times is not a gentle climb
我明白 脚下的路时而崎岖不平
(Wave's crashing on the lake)
I know I come off cold, closed off, living selfish "I"
我知道 我对你有些冷漠 封闭自我 自私地活着
(Right there I chose to love you)
But I won't say too much
(But I won't say too much)
No need to say
无需我多言 你便都明白
(And I won't say too much)
(因为你心知肚明 深知我的想法)
1.Rose Petals
3.More I See
4.Hundred Acres
6.True North
7.Meadow Song
8.Fool's Gold
10.Have You Stopped to Notice