You want me maniac,
and meanwhile accessible
盼我疯魔 还盼我孑孓不独活
Want me reserved, and yet easy and social
想我冷艳 还想我轻佻又下贱
Want me sunny and also single as usual
要我阳光 还要我风情不摇晃
Mock I’m sensitive, sometimes unemotional
戏我哭笑无主 还戏我心如枯木
You give me a dream
and wake me up with a sting
赐我梦境 还赐我很快就清醒
Idle with me, wasting our time doing nothing
与我沉睡 还与我蹉跎无慈悲
Expect purity from me and love my milky wings
爱我纯粹 还爱我赤裸不糜颓
Watch my woeful solo
and enjoy when I am burning
看我自弹自唱 还看我痛心断肠
You want a fairy, beautiful and a bit lazy
愿我如烟 还愿我曼丽又懒倦
Say I'm crazy and yet adore my courtesy
看我痴狂 还看我风趣又端庄
Hope I’m ***y, and better with some cruelty
要我美艳 还要我杀人不眨眼
Wish me happy from now
and curse me rotten secretly
祝我从此幸福 还祝我枯萎不渡
The day you wooed,
you could barely keep calm
为我撩人 还为我双眸失神
You ask for my faith
and flatter my dark eyes' charm
图我情真 还图我眼波销魂
Elope with me and swear to hold me in arms
与我私奔 还与我做不二臣
You never stint your praises,
and offer ample harm
夸我含苞待放 还夸我欲盖弥彰
You give me a dream
and wake me up with a sting
赐我梦境 还赐我很快就清醒
Idle with me, wasting our time doing nothing
与我沉睡 还与我蹉跎无慈悲
Expect purity from me and love my milky wings
爱我纯粹 还爱我赤裸不糜颓
Watch my woeful solo
and enjoy when I am burning
看我自弹自唱 还看我痛心断肠
The day you wooed,
you could barely keep calm
为我撩人 还为我双眸失神
You ask for my faith
and flatter my dark eyes' charm
图我情真 还图我眼波销魂
Elope with me and swear to hold me in arms
与我私奔 还与我做不二臣
You never stint your praises,
and offer ample harm
夸我含苞待放 还夸我欲盖弥彰
You plead for my love
and ask for warming odor
请我迷人 还请我艳情透渗
Show your vigor,
and act like you are smothered
似我盛放 还似我缺氧乖张
Let my beauty be and the fragrance linger
由我美丽 还由我贪恋着迷
You dislike my being carefree
and moaning with tears
怨我百岁无忧 还怨我徒有泪流