马力全开 蓄势待发
Turbine engines all fired up
Reaching our maximum cruising speed
一个探寻所有缘由的使命 没有失败的选项
A mission to discover all of the reasons, and it must succeed
箭在弦上 我们将要拯救众生
Simulations run on hard drives have prepared us to save lives
竭尽全力 至死方休 让后人凭吊
Future generations will thank us, or we'll die trying.
拯救我们的灵魂 这是不为人知的秘密 却奉为信条
拯救我们的灵魂 为这未来将醒的世界
Save our souls, encrypted and uploaded in code
看见黑暗尽头的曙光 我们浴火重生
Save our souls, for the future of the waking world
拯救我们的灵魂 不再湮灭于黑暗
We see the light at the end tunnel, right before we are born again
Save our souls, before we disappear into the darkness again
心成熟了 也沧桑了
Massive memory upgrades all queued up
Updating system some file data corrupt
箭在弦上 我们将要拯救众生
Malicious virus meant to wipe us out
竭尽全力 至死方休 让后人凭吊
We don't even know about
拯救我们的灵魂 这是不为人知的秘密 却奉为信条
Simulations run on hard drives have prepared us to save lives
拯救我们的灵魂 为这未来将醒的世界
Future generations will thank us, or we'll die trying.
看见黑暗尽头的曙光 我们浴火重生
拯救我们的灵魂 不再湮灭于黑暗
Save our souls, encrypted and uploaded in code
拯救我们的灵魂 这是不为人知的秘密 却奉为信条
Save our souls, for the future of the waking world
拯救我们的灵魂 为这未来将醒的世界
We see the light at the end tunnel, right before we are born again
看见黑暗尽头的曙光 我们浴火重生
Save our souls, before we disappear into the darkness again.
拯救我们的灵魂 不再湮灭于黑暗
Save our souls, encrypted and uploaded in code
Save our souls, for the future of the waking world
We see the light at the end tunnel, right before we are born again
Save our souls, before we disappear into the darkness again