I'm writing words down on a train
火车上 我写下这一行行句子
In hopes I follow through on plans I make
思绪充满希望 一个个定下的计划 我思索着一步步前行
Time is in my hands
But I, keep finding reasons to throw it all away
但我总想找些理由 把时间抛得远远的
I have spent my whole life wondering what's out there
Too afraid to let go and jump in
什么该畏惧 遇见什么该放手 遇见什么不该错过
Something's holding me back from where I need to go
冥冥中 总有什么 在牵绊着我的去留
I wanna be, too alive to sleep
(That's why) I wanna go faster
Tired of being still, don't wanna linger
厌倦一成不变 不想再徘徊逗留
I've got to find the purpose that was meant for me
我要去寻找 为我而设的终点
Cuz if I move any slower
Soon my life is going to be over
Before I find the meaning that I seek
在那之前 我要找到 我追寻的意义
睁开眼时 我也得不到安宁
I've grown so restless in my wake
度过这一天天 却如此煎熬
It's killing me just getting through, the day-to-day
我内心深处 有一种渴望
There's a hunger inside me
我无法用言语描绘 该从何方找到我的归属
I can't, explain, to try to find my place
十指间 残留着我的每一块 破碎的身躯
There's so many pieces of me I've left behind
我张开指缝 让它们滑落
Through my fingers I have let them slide
便仔细审视 真正的我
Now I'm looking back on who I used to be
That part of me, I've got to find
(That's why) I wanna go faster
厌倦一成不变 不想再徘徊逗留
Tired of being still, don't wanna linger
我要去寻找 为我而设的终点
I've got to find the purpose that was meant for me
Cuz if I move any slower
Soon my life is going to be over
在那之前 我要找到 我追寻的意义
Before I find the meaning that I seek
但请至少给我一点模糊的轮廓 好让我辨认透彻我自己 我该坚决斗争
Maybe it is normal not to see
我不再像从前那样 我明白 我要比以前 撑得更久
But please reveal to me traits that define the person I should strive to be
I'll be different from before I know I've got to hold out for more
厌倦一成不变 不想再徘徊逗留
(That's why) I wanna go faster
我要去寻找 为我而设的终点
Tired of being still, don't wanna linger
I've got to find the purpose that was meant for me
Cuz if I move any slower
在那之前 我要找到——
Soon my life is going to be over
Before I find the meaning that I -
厌倦一成不变 不想再徘徊逗留
我要去寻找 为我而设的终点
Tired of being still, don't wanna linger
I've got to find the purpose that was meant for me
Cuz if I move any slower
在那之前 我要找到 我追寻的意义
Soon my life is going to be over
Before I find the meaning that I seek
2.Look up at the Sky
4.Starshine (New Beginnings)
5.Haunting (Haunted House Remix)
6.Stay the Same
7.The best it can be (free)
8.Call Me Home