We Have A Situation... (No Choir)

1.Journey To The Front
2.Dark Side Of Power (No Choir)
3.Dark Side Of Power
4.Divide And Conquer
5.Prometheus Rising
6.Clash Of Titans
7.Army Of Justice
8.Building A Better Dream (NC)
9.Prometheus Rising (No Choir)
10.War Games (No Choir)
11.Fury Unleashed (No Choir)
12.For Honor and Glory
16.Rex Eternum
17.Reluctant Warrior
18.The Dark Knight
20.There Comes a Time (NC)
21.We Have A Situation... (No Choir)
22.Journey To The Front Hybrid
23.Daddy's Gotta Brand New Tail (NC)
24.Carpathian's Stronghold (No Choir)
25.Global Crisis 2
26.Night At the Mausoleum (NC)
27.Global Crisis 1 (No Choir)
28.Fate Of The World (No Choir)
29.Skull And Crossbones
30.Clash Of Titans (No Choir)
31.Without A Prayer (NC)
32.Waking Up in Pleasanton (NC)
33.Providence (NC)
34.The Way the Cookie Crumbles (NC)
35.Mr. Wonderful (NC)
36.To Rise Above (NC)
37.Age of Discovery
38.To Rise Above
39.There Comes a Time
40.Quiet Glory
41.Mystery of the Ages
42.Mystery of the Ages (NC)
44.Unfortunate Circumstances (NC)
45.Sacred Journey (NC)
46.Quiet Glory (NC)
47.The Brave Shall Rise
48.For Honor and Glory (NC)
49.Sacred Journey (No Drums) (NC)
50.Mythos Female Voice Solo
51.Age of Discovery (NC)
52.Sacred Journey
53.The Brave Shall Rise (NC)
54.A Call to Valor (NC)
55.A Hero Among Us
56.Sacred Journey (No Drums)
57.A Hero Among Us (NC)
58.Mythos (NC)
59.Reluctant Warrior (NC)
60.Moment Of Greatness
61.Journey To The Front (NC)
62.Rex Eternum (NC)
63.Return Of The King (NC)
64.A Moment Of Greatness (NC)
65.Return Of The King
66.Captain Adventure (No Choir)
67.Confronting The Dark Lord (No Choir)
68.Confronting The Dark Lord
69.Where Your Dreams Come True (No Choir)
70.To Places Never Imagined... (No Choir)
71.The Adventure (No Choir)
72.Slash And Burn (No Choir)
73.Sargon's Legion (No Choir)
74.Final Conflict (No Choir)
75.Divide And Conquer (No Choir)
76.Sargon's Legion
77.Superhero (No Choir)
78.The Dark Knight (End Only)
79.With An Iron Fist (No Choir)
80.With An Iron Fist
81.The Dark Knight (No Choir)
82.Skull And Crossbones (No Choir)
83.Global Crisis 1
84.Global Crisis 2 (No Choir)
85.Army Of Justice (No Choir)
86.Fury Unleashed