I fell in love and I needed a road map
To find out where you lived, so excited now
'Cause I'm sleepwalking
The white trash boys listen to their headphones
Blasting white noise in the convenience store parking lot
I hung around there wasting my time
Hoping you'll stop by
'Cause I'm sleepwalking
I'm sleepwalking
A mutual friend's parents left town for a week
So we raided their liquor stash and walked down to the riverside
'Cause I'm sleepwalking
2.Sleep Walkin'
3.Never Ending Math Equation
4.Other People's Lives
5.Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (Positive Negative)
6.All Night Diner
7.Interstate 8
8.Workin' On Leavin' The Livin'
9.Grey Ice Water
11.A Life Of Arctic Sounds
12.Baby Blue Sedan