hey you don't complain don't delay
Look at me!
And make my way
It's young or never
Don't you understand
And i will start again, again, and again
这个夏天 跟着我去看海
随着音乐 拍打轻松节拍
站在路的中央 仰望美好未来
这张考卷 选C还是选A
打分举牌 从来不走常规
名为青春测验 自己填才精彩
伸出手就能描绘 闭上眼也能想象天
勾勒出 梦的画面 就能起飞
So come on, baby, baby, baby, I’ll be your sunshine
Lady, lady, lady, come fly in my sky.
Young or never 我要飞 我要去远方
So come on, baby, baby, baby, I'll be your sunshine
Lady, lady, lady, come follow with my way
Young or never, 我要去远方
一把吉他 能弹几种和弦
脉搏频率 能传达到指尖
就算只剩一根弦 也能放肆的表演
春夏秋冬 不过四个季节
浪漫情节 随时都能落雪
名为青春的字眼 自己写华丽诗篇
快失控的风筝线 乘着风就不会搁浅
不论你飞到多远 请保持连线
So come on baby baby baby
I’ll be your sunshine
Lady, lady, lady, come fly in my sky
Young or never 我要飞 我要去远方
Oh come on baby baby baby
I’ll be the sunshine
Lady lady lady come follow my way
Young or never 我要去远方
Baby, baby baby I’ll be the sunshine
Lady, lady lady come fly in my sky
Young or never 我要飞 我要去远方
So come on baby baby baby
I’ll be your sunshine
Lady lady lady come follow my way
Young or never 我要去远方