Driving in the south the motor's on fire
行驶在北部 我们的车子着火了
我们赶紧熄灭它 在火焰燃高之前
Let's put it out before the flames go higher
周一白天演出'Big Bully'还是'White Squall'
太难选择 希望我们都能看了
Monday matinee 'Big Bully' or 'White Squall'
某个春天里的大学 声音都紊乱了
So hard to choose wish we could see them all
启程(不是再一次) 一次八辆车追尾的车祸
我们回转头看 除非我们走得太快
Some college in the spring the sound is all wrong
We set the mains to our favorite Hootie song
Driving not again an 8 car crash
We'll turn to look unless we're going too fast
2.Autumn Sweater
3.Return To Hot Chicken
4.Center Of Gravity
5.One Pm Again
6.My Little Corner Of The World
8.Little Honda
9.Green Arrow
10.Stockholm Syndrome
11.Moby Octopad
12.We're An American Band
13.The Lie And How We Told It
14.Spec Bebop
15.Deeper Into Movies