Extermination of My Filthy Species

Vision of apocalyptic extermination Pathetic squealing human beings Forcing the caustic destruction of everything perceived Burning Cleansing Ending Human Existence Standing in the midst of what existed, blowing away the ashes of humanity. Chorus of billions of voices cry out in agony Last one standing in the blackened dawn of a new era Masterminding the omnipotent extermination of my own filthy species Purifying and purging the rotten loveless ore Resurrected in indefinitive form Vision of apocalyptic extermination Burning Cleansing Ending Human Existence Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, standing in the mist watching it all burn
1.Tampon Lollipops
2.Extermination of My Filthy Species
3.Bobbing for Heads
4.Fetus Goulash
5.Confines of Human Flesh
6.Milk and Innards
7.Scum Cookie
9.Crispy Kids
10.Milk And Innards (Live Bonus)