The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The Deceased

The great one has fallen on his side
Swarmed by the eight crocodiles
I know them by their name and lives
I save my father from them
Crocodiles of the west
Who lives on the unwearying stars
Detestation of you is in me
The nau snake is in my belly
Your flame will not be upon me
Crocodiles of the east
Who live on mutilation
Detestation of you is in me
The nau snake is in my bowels
Your flame will not be upon me
Crocodiles of the south
Living on feces
Smoke and want
Detestation of you is in me
My blood is not in your hand
I will erase you
Crocodiles of the north
Living on the waste between the stars
Detestation of you is in me
Your poison is in my head
A scorpion writhes within me
I am glad with the magick of
ReWhat exists is within my grasp
I am heard in the house of the
Great OneWho destroys the living
I am ReWho protects himself
Nothing can harm me
1.The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The Deceased
2.The Inevitable Degradation Of Flesh
3.The Gods Who Light Up The Sky At The Gate Of Sethu
4.Enduring The Eternal Molestation Of Flame
5.When My Wrath Is Done
6.Slaves Of Xul
7.Natural Liberation Of Fear Through The Ritual Deception Of Death
8.Ethno-Musicological Cannibalisms
9.Tribunal Of The Dead
10.The Chaining Of The Iniquitous
11.Supreme Humanism Of Megalomania