那痛楚仍残留着 而我还在拒绝承认
那感觉还余留着 将有一天我会离开
所以让一切都过去吧 仰望这蔚蓝色天空
那幻象有如灿烂星空 我不知该去往何处
The pain it still remains And I'll just get denied
The feel it still remains Someday I'll fly away
那么请你,请让我独自一人 我沉浸在忧郁之中
So let it all go by Looking at deep blue sky
或许有天我会消失不见 所以我沉溺在忧郁之中
也许有天我会不辞而别 所以我沉浸在忧郁之中
The vision like a shining star I don't know where to go
或许有天我会消失不见 所以我沉溺在忧郁之中
也许有天我会不辞而别 然后消失不见
I know I'm goin' blind
那考验我的意志的高山 我要如何才能攀上这山坡?
然后悲伤汹涌而至 我不知道,,我不知道我会从何处坠落
When will I ever find love?
If you read my mind
那么请你,请让我独自一人 我沉浸在忧郁之中
Please, Please leave me alone I'm in blue
或许有天我会消失不见 所以我沉溺在忧郁之中
Sometime I'll fade away So I'm in blue
也许有天我会不辞而别 所以我沉浸在忧郁之中
或许有天我会消失不见 所以我沉溺在忧郁之中
Sometime I'll slip away So I'm in blue
也许有天我会不辞而别 然后消失不见
Sometime I'll fade away So I'm in blue
Sometime I'll slip away And fade away
The hills that test my will How can I ever climb the slope?
And here comes the sadness I don't know, I don't know where to fall
I know I'm goin' blind
When will I ever find truth?
If you read my mind
Please, Please leave me alone I'm in blue
Sometime I'll fade away So I'm in blue
Sometime I'll slip away So I'm in blue
Sometime I'll fade away So I'm in blue
Sometime I'll slip away And fade away
I'm just little child
I'm just little child
I'm just little child
1.I’m in blue
2.good-bye my pain
3.don’t you just know it
4.diving deep
5.the red road
6.for my dear
8.I’m in blue(piano version)