Act Two - Watching Them Without Her (Live)

[Spoken Interlude: Dad, Ben]
Right, Ben. Now, there was a portfolio directly where your derrière is now parked.
What have you done with it?
What have I done with what?
Well there's no sign of it now. You must have moved it somewhere
Must've moved what?
My sodding portfolio, Ben.
Look, this place is a bloody tip.
I want it cleaned by the time your mum gets back,
and please - please - locate my portfolio
Uh... what does it look like?
Uhm... it's big and pink...
*scoffs* Pink?
Um, yes. Pink
Okay, okay. Keep your hair on
Oh, very funny...
One missing pink portfolio. Now, when did you la-
*sniffs* Dad... What's that smell?
Your dinner - my legendary Toad in the Hole, actually -
and I hope you're hungry because...
*sniffs* Oh, ****. ****, ****, shitty shitty bang bang, bollocks...
Need any breathing apparatus in there, Dad?
Oh my God! Ben. Ben! *laughs*
Very funny
Oh, your face. 'Oh my God, Dad!' *laughs*
Oh, look, look, em... Dinner has... evolved.
We're now having rather well-done bangers served with freshly heated beans, a-la Heinz
Charcoal's really good for detoxing your intestines, apparently
Right, great… cool, cool...
Parents, eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Wouldn't exist without them, come to that...
Who wouldn't exist without who?
Never mind...
Right... what's on the jelly-vision tonight?
Mum's late...
1.Act One - Lily (Live)
2.Act One - Hounds Of Love (Live)
3.Act One - Joanni (Live)
4.Act One - Top Of The City (Live)
5.Act One - Never Be Mine (Live)
6.Act One - Running Up That Hill (Live)
7.Act One - King Of The Mountain (Live)
8.Act Two - Astronomer's Call (Live)
9.Act Two - And Dream Of Sheep (Live)
10.Act Two - Under Ice (Live)
11.Act Two - Waking The Witch (Live)
12.Act Two - Watching Them Without Her (Live)
13.Act Two - Watching You Without Me (Live)
14.Act Two - Little Light (Live)
15.Act Two - Jig Of Life (Live)
16.Act Two - Hello Earth (Live)
17.Act Two - The Morning Fog (Live)
18.Act Three - Prelude (Live)
19.Act Three - Prologue (Live)
20.Act Three - An Architect's Dream (Live)
21.Act Three - The Painter's Link (Live)
22.Act Three - Sunset (Live)
23.Act Three - Aerial Tal (Live)
24.Act Three - Somewhere In Between (Live)
25.Act Three - Tawny Moon (Live)
26.Act Three - Nocturn (Live)
27.Act Three - Aerial (Live)
28.Act Three - Among Angels (Live)
29.Act Three - Cloudbusting (Live)