Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
He's a hero
I'm a zero
He's a hero
Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
Jamie skates so nice and clean
Wish he could be my toy machine
He's a hero
I'm a zero
He's a hero
Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas, Jamie Thomas
1.Leave Me Alone
2.Jamie Thomas
3.That's When I Reach for My Revolver
4.Oochy Woochy
5.The Fear
6.Don't Think About Always
7.Satan I Gatan
8.My Idea of Hell
10.Fame and Fortune
11.Fags and Failure
12.Keep Hope Alive