Changed your colors so fast
你转换性情 那般迅速
Tried to turn my friends into friends of the past
费尽心思 令我同挚友们 分道扬镳
Always putting you first, could've been your future
我总将你捧于心中首位 也本可伴你度余生
But you didn't even care about me like that
只因你仅追求 转瞬即逝的名气
'Cause you were looking for fifteen minutes, yeah
如今你虚荣心得以满足 收获片刻声誉
And now you got fifteen minutes, yeah
你可来此 捡拾好行囊 转身离去
Pack your stuff, you can come and get it, yeah (Hahaha)
其实这并非离别 而是释怀的解脱
Ain't goodbye but it's good riddance
此刻你功成名就 获得须臾之间的名望
我也祝愿你 能够享受这 稍纵即逝的名誉
You got fifteen minutes
Hope you enjoy your fifteen minutes
(Ooh, woah, oh-oh)
我深知自己令人难耐 可我仍却努力改变
I'm not innocent
I know I'm an addict but I'm working on it
It should be an honor
只因你仅追求 转瞬即逝的名气
I even had the time to bother
如今你虚荣心得以满足 收获片刻声誉
But this is where they sending me our blessings
你可来此 捡拾好行囊 转身离去
其实这并非离别 而是释怀的解脱
'Cause you wеre looking for fifteen minutes, yeah
此刻你功成名就 获得须臾之间的名望
And now you got fifteen minutеs, yeah-yeah
我也祝愿你 能够享受这 稍纵即逝的名誉
Pack your stuff, you can come and get it, oh yeah
Ain't goodbye but it's good riddance
于马里布虔诚祈祷 可你怎能这样做呢
于马里布虔诚祈祷 希望你能因此得以救赎
You got fifteen minutes
于马里布虔诚祈祷 可你怎能这样做呢
Hope you enjoy your fifteen minutes
在马里布的海滩上 抽泣难言
Oh-oh, oh-oh
而你却仍追求的是 转瞬即逝的名气
如今你虚荣心得以满足 收获片刻声誉
Praying in Malibu, Praying in Malibu, how could you, how could you?
你可来此 捡拾好行囊 转身离去
Praying in Malibu, Praying in Malibu, I hope it saved you
其实这并非离别 而是释怀的解脱
Praying in Malibu, Praying in Malibu, how could you, how could you?
此刻你功成名就 获得须臾之间的名望
Crying in Malibu
我也祝愿你 能够享受这 稍纵即逝的名誉
While you were looking for fifteen minutes, yeah (Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
And now you got fifteen minutes, yeah-yeah (Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
Pack your stuff, you can come and get it (Oh yeah)
Ain't goodbye but it's good riddance (Good riddance)
You got fifteen minutes
Hope you enjoy your fifteen minutes
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh, ooh
2.Met Him Last Night
3.Good Place
5.Mad World
6.California Sober
7.15 Minutes
9.The Kind Of Lover I Am
10.ICU (Madison's Lullabye)
11.My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriend
13.Melon Cake
14.The Way You Don't Look At Me
15.Lonely People
16.The Art Of Starting Over
17.What Other People Say
18.Dancing With The Devil (Live Acoustic)
19.Dancing With The Devil
22.ICU (Madison's Lullabye) (Live Acoustic)
23.Anyone (Live Acoustic)