We touched the walls of the city streets and
Dead ends plain, sadly showed us our ways
寂静无声 缄默中向我们指明道路
Of never asking why
Cast down it was heaven sent and
To the church, no intent to repent on my knees
投诸于教堂 跪下忏悔却非出自真心
Just to cry
Until you travel to that place you can't come back
Where the last painting's gone and all that's left is black
在那里 仅存的绘画也不复存在 所有的残存都已染上黑色
Grey nights he's coming to me and
幽暗的黑夜中 他向我走来
Some day they'll punish my deeds and they'll find
终有一日 他们会对我的所作所为进行惩罚
All the crimes
But then they ask when they gonna see them
但后来他们问 何时才会看到他们
Then they gonna ask to feel the ghosts, the walls, the dreams
We'll I've got mine
我们会的 而我已付诸实践
At last those coming came and they never looked back
最终该来的总会来 也不会再回头
With blinding stars in their eyes but all they saw was black
他们眼中虽有耀眼的星光 所见之物却全为黯黑
Fooled them hoping to seem
Like a slave of evil but the product of greed and
看起来如同邪恶的奴隶 其实是贪婪的产物
It's not a mass so be honest with me
还不是一团糟 坦诚相待吧
We can't afford to ignore that I'm the disease
我就是祸根 病害之源 这一点们无法无视
Practical since we had to be and
When they were old they came back to me and they tried
迈入暮年 人们又回到我身边 他们尽力了
Oh they tried
And when you follow through and wind up on your back
当你一再坚持 但最终瘫倒在地
Looking up at those stars in the sky those white clouds have turned it black
就抬头看看天空中的群星吧 因为白云也会将天空染黑