Song: Bogie's Bonnie Belle

As I went out by Huntley town one evening for to fee
With Bogie O' Cairnie and with him I did agree
To mind his two best horses or cart or harrow or plow
Or anything about farmwork that I very well should know
Old Bogie had a daughter, her name was Isabelle
She's the lily of the valley and the primrose of the dell
And when she went out walking she took me for her guide
Down by the burn of Cairnie for to watch the small fish glide
When three long months were passed and gone, this lassie lost her bloom
The red fell from her rosy cheeks, and her eyes began to swoon
Nine long months had passed and gone, she bore to me a son
And I was quickly sent for to see what could be done
I said that I would marry her, but no, that would not do
For you're not a match for my bonnie girl, and she's not a match for you
Now she's married to a tinker lad that comes from Huntley town
He sells pots and pans and paraffin lamps and he scours the country 'round
Now maybe she's had a better match, Bogie can nae tell
So farewell, ye lads o' Huntley town and to Bogie's bonnie belle
So farewell, ye lads o' Huntley town and to Bogie's bonnie belle
1.Song: Fair And Tender Ladies
2.Song: The Green Fields Of Canada
3.The Hills Of New Zealand
4.Jigs: Carolan's Favorite Jig / The Rakes Of Cashel / Highland March In Oscar & Malvina (Medley)
5.Song: Betsy Belle And Mary Gray
6.Song: Sweet Thames Flow Softly
7.Song: Bogie's Bonnie Belle
8.Reels: The Jolly Seven / The Rascal On The Haystack / Bonkers In Yonkers (Medley)
9.Slip Jigs: Paddy O'Snap / Robin Kellegher / The Cove Of Cork (Medley)
10.Reels: The Old Maids Of Galway / The Sunny Banks / The Flooded Road To Glenties / Free & Easy (Medley)
11.Woman Of The House Medley: The Fairy Queen / The Gooseberry Bush / Paddy Kelly's / Woman Of The House