Do you love an apple? Do you love a pear?
Do you love a laddie with bonnie brown hair?
Chorus (after each verse):
But still I love him, I can't deny him
I'll be with him wherever he goes
Before I got married I wore a black shawl
But since I got married I wear bugger all
He stood at the corner, a fag in his mouth
Two hands in his pockets, he whistled me out
He works at the pier for nine bob a week
Come Saturday night, he comes rolling home drunk
Before I got married I'd sport and I'd play
But now, the cradle, it gets in me way
Do you love an apple? Do you love a pear?
Do you love a laddie with bonnie brown hair?
1.The Kesh Jig/Give Us a Drink of Water/The Flower of the Flock/Famous ...
2.The Green Groves of Erin/The Flowers of Red Hill
3.Do You Love an Apple
4.Julia Delaney
5.Patsy Geary's/Coleman's Cross
6.Is Trua Nach Bhfuil Mé in ?irinn
7.The Navvy on the Line/The Rainy Day
8.The Tar Road to Sligo/Paddy Clancy's
9.Martin Wynne's/The Longford Tinker
10.Pretty Peg/Craig's Pipes
11.Hector the Hero/The Laird of Drumblaire
12.The Traveller/The Humours of Lissadell
13.The Butterfly
14.The Salamanca/The Banshee/The Sailor's Bonnet